Monday, November 17, 2014

Keeping your Voice Healthy through the Holidays

It was an early winter last week thanks to an Arctic air mass moving into Colorado.  I definitely wasn't prepared for January temperatures with snow in mid-November.  I don't think anyone was.  The early cold reminded me of COLD/FLU season.  Yes, it's time.  Time to get your immune system game on, especially if you are a singer.  This is a busy, busy time for singers and there isn't time for getting sick with all our concerting, cavorting and caroling we have to do.  Even more importantly, by being vigilant in your own health care, you can prevent a Superior Laryngeal Nerve paresis, a nerve injury consequence commonly seen with upper respiratory viruses.

How?  Don't get sick!

Top 10 List:  Ways to stay Healthy and have a Strong Voice through the Holidays:

10.  Rest.  Often.  Shoot for 8 hours of sleep.  Nap if you are tired.  In general, listen to your body.

9.  Limit your alcohol/caffeine consumption.  Alcohol and caffeine are diuretics and actually remove moisture from your tissues.  Singing with dry mucosa increases your risk for a phonotraumatic injury from coughing, sneezing or loud talking/singing.  Dry mucosa in your nasal passages also traps bacteria and viruses and increases your chances of becoming sick.

8.  Consume a balanced diet filled with nutrient-dense foods.  This will fuel your body adequately and help boost your immunity.  Often times this requires planning and preparation.  Dedicate a night (I choose Sunday evenings) to prepare healthy foods you can take with you on the go through the following week.  Berries, veggies and lean proteins are great choices.

7.  Exercise.  Often when we are busy, exercise falls to the bottom of the list of priorities.  However, managing our stress is extremely important in maintaining a healthy immune system, and exercise is an effective way of doing so.  My favorites?  Pilates, Yoga, swimming and walking.  A good goal in general is to get the body moving every day for at least 20-30 minutes.

6.  Drink (green) tea.  There is something really lovely about sipping warm liquids.  The warmth of the liquids as you swallow them actually relaxes the neck muscles and the larynx while you help to systemically hydrate.  The antioxidants in green tea (catechins) help prevent cell damage and boost your immune system, so it makes an excellent choice.  If you are not a green tea fan, try my trick of adding a bag of green tea with a bag of your favorite herbal tea in your mug.  Then all you taste is your favorite herbal tea!

5.  Warm-up and Cool-down.  Make time for vocalizing and releasing muscle tension in and around the vocal mechanism before and after performing.  Get your body moving and energized with your vocalizations to tune into your pelvic floor support (core) so you make sure your breath management is optimal for singing.  After performing, do gentle lip trill descending slides, humming and massaging to release any tension you may have added during singing.  At least 10 minutes prior to and after singing is best.

4.  Steam inhalation.  In addition to systemic hydration, inhaling steam is the only other way to add moisture to the vocal fold tissue.  All singers can benefit from regular "steaming".  The easiest way to do this is to own a Personal Steam Inhaler and use that.  Old school boiling water and steaming hot water from a bowl with a towel over the head works, too.  Bonus steaming happens in a hot shower.  Because the steam dissipates quickly, steaming 2-3 times a day is helpful in keeping the vocal folds plump and effortlessly vibrating.

3.  Vocal rest.  Vocal naps are really important if you are doing a lot of singing/performing.  Even 10 minutes of vocal rest per hour allows for some vocal fold tissue recovery.  If your voice is it!  If your speaking voice is it.  If you aren't getting paid to sing/ it.  When you are speaking, make sure your technique is commensurate with your singing voice.

2.  Follow optimal vocal hygiene.  Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water or herbal tea. Replace throat clearing and coughing with a silent cough or burst of air past the vocal folds to remove mucus.  Breathe in through your nose if you are outdoors and it is cold/dry to add a filter/moisture to the air you breathe.  Take your vitamins but avoid too much vitamin C (1,000 mg or more) as it can dry your vocal folds and cause gas!  A regular probiotic will keep your gut healthy and your immune system working at its best.  Only use Tylenol for aches/pains.  Remember that Advil, aspirin or any NSAID changes the way your platelets work and increase your risk for a vocal fold hemorrhage.

1.  Practice Universal Precautions.  Wash your hands often with warm, soapy water for as long as it takes to silently sing the "Alphabet Song".  Use a paper towel to turn off the faucet and open the bathroom door after you've dried your hands.  Wave "hello" instead of shaking people's hands. Avoid touching elevator buttons (use a key) or handrails in heavily populated places.  Have your favorite immune booster on hand to take the second you start to feel sick and until your symptoms abate.  My favorites over-the-counter remedies are Sambucus (elderberry) lozenges or syrup and ColdSnap, a concoction of Chinese herbs designed to boost and support immune system function. However, always best to consult your primary care physician and/or laryngologist for what is best for you.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Celebration of Life and Longevity of the Larynx: Magda Olivero

I am writing this blog as yet another tribute to a great. I had not intended to write anything but pedagogical and vocal pathology wisdom for this blog, but I cannot fight the spontaneous momentum when I feel it.  Magda Olivero died at 104 in Milan, Italy last week.  She was one of the last, great opera singers of her time.  Maybe of all time.  She had a uniquely fast vibrato reminiscent of the old black and white movie singers, yet sang with such depth, such immense passion that one couldn't help but be totally taken in.  Listening to an NPR story, it turns out she was one of my favorite opera singers....Renèe Fleming...favorite opera singers.  She even took a few voice lessons from Magda.  What thrills and inspires me about this legendary diva is that she made her Metropolitan Opera debut at age 65 typo there.  6-5.  So maybe there's still hope for me!  Ha!  I digress.  She was still performing concerts in her 90s.  I just love it!  And do you know what this opera great attested to her vocal longevity?  Iron-clad technique!  So, all you students of mine who roll your eyes as I teach you about your instrument, the biomechanics behind it, and spend years on breath management, pure vowels, resonance and the like.  It is worth it!  Sing on, diva, sing on.  May we all take the time to get to know you through your recordings and honor you through diligent, disciplined technical work and, in my opinion, passionate, visceral and genuine performances.

Washington Post article (click to go to article)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Remembering Robin Williams

When it comes to thinking outside the box, Robin Williams was a master.  He was brilliant.  He brought to us an unbridled energy in his comedy, acting, and voice work.  He was the spokes model for "bring it".   He was a whirling dervish performing stand-up and riveting, quiet and wise in his portrayal of dramatic characters.  He made us laugh so hard we couldn't breathe and he made us cry and believe and wonder.  He was a genius and a genie.  His voice is etched in our hearts and our minds and we will always remember and laugh and cry.

From the movie "Dead Poets Society"

"Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all. "

"No matter what anybody tells you....words and ideas can change the world."

O Captain, my Captain, you have changed the world.  Rest in peace.